The Val Leventhal Show
This is The Val Leventhal Show, where reason and common sense rule. Each week we will try to engage and entertain on a variety of topics. We will discuss the news of the day, and the past that got us here. There will be politics, music and art, humor and strategies for building a better future together. Whether you are left, right or center, this is a place to check your attitude and your facts and engage with others who are willing to cross boundries, learn to communicate and share ideas. We've got work to do together people, so let's get on with it!
Listen live on air every Sunday morning 10:00 am to 11:45 am Chicago (central) time, at 1680 am, and at, the TuneIn app (search for Que4) and iTunes Radio.

Val Leventhal has been writing, performing and thinking about things in the Chicago area since 1973. Her deep book of original songs often deals with Democracy and Social Justice issues. Her purpose in taking on this new medium is to encourage people to think, talk and work across various divides to accomplish a better world for us all.
Our co-host and producer, Dreadsen, has been teaching critical thinking and activist strategy for many years. He loves to talk to people with whom he may disagree, and has used this admirable skill to engage in the on-going discussion about how to repair our Democratic system so that it works for us all.
Dreadsen is no longer an active host, but is still a friend of the show.